What is eCommerce CTA
A CTA (call to action) on a website is usually referred to what the marketer wants the consumer to do next.
CTA is used in all kinds of industries: from TV commercials that want you to dial the number on a screen and order certain products to some charity organizations wanting you to subscribe to their monthly letter with the “donate now” button.
Why are CTAs so important to have on the website?
On a commercial website, CTA usually replaces the position of the salesman, guiding the user through the website and making them buy products and services. Good CTA takes the pain away from the user by making the navigation intuitive, swift, and less complicated. A well-designed CTA, just like a professional salesman, attracts customers and makes them intuitively want to spend money on your website. Helping customers easily find what they need and suggesting what might be handy for them is a win-win for both the client and the seller.
A good CTA always does its job: boosting your sales and conversion rates. Sure, you can buy all kinds of advertisements, but it will have little impact on conversion rates and the number of recurring sales. Marketing is also essential, but sales skyrocket when paired with well-designed CTAs. To put it simple, marketing helps the clients find you, and once they do, you need them to stay and buy your products and services. That’s where CTA comes holding the client's attention for as long as possible. CTA helps you build trust and regular clientele, stabilizing your business and boosting sales.
Which types of CTAs your eCommerce website needs
We assembled this list of simple but effective calls to action on e-commerce sites. So here are a few e-commerce call to action examples:
Buy now
The best CTA for e-commerce. Every product’s page should have this simple yet effective button. Giving customers the opportunity to make a purchase swiftly with very few clicks does the trick. Although having a complicated buying process can be more precise, it does not appeal to customers, and they find more and more reasons not to buy certain products, which makes up for high abandonment rates. Generally speaking, the ordering process should take less than 5 minutes, so the customers will not become bored with it.
Add to cart
Saving certain products can help the customers decide what they need or order a few items at a time. Adding things to an online cart can also lead to future purchases in case the customers want to buy the item later. This important CTA is a must on commercial websites!
Ask a question
Effective e-commerce CTA button. Sometimes the buyer does not exactly know what he needs, so the seller’s must help them: let the client ask a question about your stock or a certain product. Great communication with customers leads to great sales! So be sure to answer your potential buyer’s questions quickly. And don’t forget to mention that the chat will be with a human, not a bot.
Delivery information
Should not be as obvious as the ones above. Place it aside. This CTA can be either on a category page or on a product page. Specify all delivery methods and cost on the page, be honest. You can propose payment on delivery too. Following those steps will make your delivery page specific and attractive. And don’t forget to make returning to the page button, so that the customer can proceed with purchase.
Learn about returns
Adding such CTA is not always wanted by sellers but is crucial to building trust. Buying things with a money-back guarantee is always mentally easier for a customer. Although, this CTA does not have to be as visible as the others.
Write a review
A necessary step for every commercial website. Always ask a customer to write a review once they confirm the delivery. The more reviews you have - the more people trust you.
Find similar products
If the customer hesitates to buy the product, you can place this CTA near the bottom of the page, so they can look for something in a price range or category. It also helps keep the customer on the website, making them invest more time looking for products and services you offer.
Register now
Make registration as easy as possible and tell about it in the title. You can send your special deals and give loyalty discounts to your registered customers to make them buy from you more often.
Subscribe to newsletter
Helps your customers to stay alert to your special offers. Make a vow to never send them spam messages - only the most useful info. You can also offer a discount for subscriptions. Specify the frequency of your campaigns in CTA and be true to the promise. Honesty helps to build loyalty to your e-commerce brand.
9 amazing e-Commerce CTAs for your inspiration
Above was a theory, but how about some real-life effective calls to action on e-commerce websites? Below we gathered some nice well designed CTA examples from successful businesses showing you how effective they are. Notice how well-implemented those examples are and how you just want to click them.
1. DressUp A women's clothing website with nice Add to cart CTAs and well-designed purchase sequence.

2. Ashley Furniture - Pop-up CTA offering you special discount for subscribing to their mailing list

3. The Horse - Accessories shop with every essential CTA, including reviews

4. Sierra Designs - Outdoor clothing and backpacking gear shop with nice CTAs

5. Skull Candy - audio shop with the ability to ask a question about their products

6. Newegg - computer parts and accessories shop with some really good CTAs

7. Ratio Coffee - a really well-designed coffee accessories shop

8. Nalen Ayurveda - cosmetics shop with nicely implemented CTAs

9. TheSus - outdoor clothing shop with all the useful features and lots of useful reviews to help customer's consideration.

Notice how each one of these examples has all the CTAs listed above? That’s what makes them so appealing successful, and different from some regular eCommerce websites.